Twelve properties with single-family homes along Bernard Avenue could be replaced by large new rental housing buildings with 361 suites.
Buildings up to six storeys will be allowed on the north side of the street between D’Anjou Street and Richmond Street if council on Monday accepts staffBԪַ recommendation to begin rezoning the properties.
“The proposed Rental Only sub zone aligns with the Official CommunityPlan policy encouraging diverse housing tenures within the core area,” reads part of a staff report to council.
The redevelopment proposal, covering nearly 9,300 sq.-metres is being advanced by Vancouver-based Denciti Development Corp.
Much higher density development along that block-long stretch of Bernard Avenue is also warranted, planners say, because the road is a public transit corridor.
Pending councilBԪַ expected approval, the properties will be rezoned from an infill housing zone to an apartment housing rental only zone.
As the proposal is said to conform to the cityBԪַ official community plan to densify existing neighbourhoods, a public input will not be held so there is no opportunity for interested members of the community to address council on the matter.